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Cremation services are a great option for those who prefer not to have an embalmed body and traditional burial. Cremation services are becoming increasingly popular with residents of Sterling, IL. Cremation is the process of turning human remains into ashes after the person has died. Cremations do not usually require embalming, so they can take place much sooner than burials.

The Cremation Association of North America describes cremation as, “The mechanical and/or thermal or other dissolution process that reduces human remains to bone fragments: On our ONLINE CREMATION PLANNER, where we have a detailed look at the most common, simple and affordable cremation services that we offer.

With cremations taking up to half the time that traditional burials take, it is an affordable and environmentally friendly option for people looking to lay their loved ones to rest. However, there are things you should know before choosing cremation services so you can make an informed decision about your next step.

Here's what you need to know about cremation.

  • It's a great option for those who prefer not to have an embalmed body and traditional burial.
  • It can take up to half the time that traditional burials take, and they are affordable and environmentally friendly.
  • Cremation services do not usually require embalming, so they can take place much sooner than burials.
  • Cremations also release fewer emissions than traditional burials, so they are better for the environment.
  • Cremation services offer much more flexibility in the way you can memorialize your loved one, plus cremation urns come in various materials like wood or stone.

Different Types of Cremations

There are three main types of cremation: traditional, memorial, and direct. The differences come down to price, planning timeframes as well as what you would like your final resting place or tribute ceremony for a loved one to be like. Find out more about each type below!

1) Traditional Cremation - Traditional cremation is similar to traditional burials. It consists of a funeral service followed by cremation. Traditional cremations commonly have a visitation or wake within two or three days of death.

2.) Memorial Cremation  – Memorial cremation is just like traditional cremation, except the body is not present at the service, but the cremated remains are. Memorial cremations save money on embalming and caskets, but memorial services still cost money to host and execute.

3.) Direct Cremation – This is the fastest and cheapest way for final disposition. Cremated remains are placed in a container of your choice and buried or scattered. You can also have a memorial service for this type of cremation later on if you so choose.

It's worth discussing what kind of cremation you'd like with your loved ones first as it can be difficult to change minds once they've decided. Make sure that all parties involved understand the options available and why one option may appeal more than another after death! There shouldn't be any judgment made about any decisions but it's often hard not to take things personally when dealing with such an emotional matter as death!

How do you know if cremation is right for your family?

The decision to have a loved one's remains handled in this manner comes down, first and foremost, to financial considerations. You may also wish to explore what practices of faith or culture are important near them afterward because each religion has its rituals related to funerals which can be impacted by whether bodies go through burning phases before being buried/burial customs dictate how long coffins need exposure before they're sealed shut from moisture contamination. Cremation services are normally offered for a cost by funeral homes.

If you wish to have a loved one cremated, here is how it usually works. Cremation services typically cost less than the traditional burial and the ashes can be kept at home in an urn or placed in a columbarium. Cremation may be preferred by some families if they want to dispose of their loved one’s remains themselves without any ceremony. If you’re looking for a cost-effective option for your loved ones final disposition, then consider cremation. At Schilling Funeral Home, we offer direct cremation at a very affordable cost. Reach out to our caring staff today.

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Once you have decided on cremation for your loved one, we need authorization from the next of kin that has legal rights to make this decision, and that is called “Right of Disposition”. The order of people that are legally qualified to make these decisions are as follows:

  • The person designated in a written instrument that satisfies the provisions in section 10 and 15 of the Disposition of Remains Act and is part of the decedent’s will.
  • Any person acting as executor or legal representative of the decedent’s estate and acting according to the decedent's written instructions contained in the decedent's will.
  • Individual who was the spouse of the decedent at the time of the decedent's death.
  • Sole competent adult child, or majority of adult children of the deceased.


Once we have collected the necessary vital information from family to complete the death certificate, we submit it to the Doctor to list cause of death. Doctors in Illinois have up to 7 days to complete this portion of the death certificate, it usually does not take that long, but we always advise family of that time frame.  When the Doctor has completed their portion of the certificate it can be filed and certified. At this point the cremation can take place. In most cases this process only takes 2-3 days.


Dealing with the loss of a loved is never easy and some type of gathering or service is an essential part of the grieving process. When you grieve in a supportive environment with family and close friends you will find the opportunity to connect, share memories, and comfort each other during those difficult times, as you begin your journey toward healing and peace.

We encourage every family to celebrate their loved one in a special way. Each service should be a “one-of-a-kind” and reflect his or her unforgettable personality. We believe that it is important to acknowledge the uniqueness of your loved one, the individuality of their personality, and the existence of their life's path. Together, we can design the perfect memorial or funeral service for your loved one.

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